This time, when Miss Trunchbull arrives in Matilda's classroom after lunch, the class knows what to expect and is more prepared to answer Miss Trunchbull's questions exactly as they should. However, Miss Trunchbull is still not satisfied, asking them to recite their spelling words backwards and phrasing the three times table in a confusing manner. She is holding a small boy upside down by one leg when he suddenly shouts and points to the chalkboard. A piece of chalk is moving all by itself and writing on the board. The whole class is transfixed by the chalk, but Miss Trunchbull is the most shaken, as the chalk is writing her first name. Only Miss Honey is able to look away from the chalkboard; she is watching Matilda, knowing that the little girl is really in control of...
Miss Honey prepares her class for their second lesson with Miss Trunchbull. Miss Honey speaks to each of the boys who Miss Trunchbull had problems with last time, and urges the entire class to '...let us all try to be especially careful and clever today.' When Miss Trunchbull arrives, she decides to test the kids on how well they can multiply by three. The students she picks on is Wilfred. She tells him to 'Recite the three-times table backwards!' Miss Honey immediately comes to his defense and Miss Trunchbull asks him another question. This time she asks him to tell her what amount she has if she has 'seven apples, seven oranges, and seven bananas.' Wilfred tells her that's an addition problem, which gets her angry. Next she says, 'I have eight coconuts, eight monkey-nuts and eight nutty little idiots like you. How many nuts do I have all together?' Eventually, she ends up holding Wilfred upside down and has him repeat the answer after she tells him. While this is happening, the class notices something else on the other side of the room.