English, asked by akashgupta229206, 8 months ago

ad the passage given below and answer
1 Migraines are far more common than asthma
4 These headaches are caused in part tw changat
or diabetes, but less than 2 per cent of the
in the level of a bxxly chemical called serotonin,
estimated 40 million people in India who suffer
which affects bloxxl wissels. When serotonin levels
from these crushing headaches secx preventive
are high, bloxxl vessels constrict, and when
treatment. Compared to men, migraines are more
Serotonin levels fall, the blood vessels dilate,
common in women in their forties and fifties,
causing pain, Serotonin levels are influenced by
Svne studies indicate that as many as one in four
lack of sleep, tension, too much sun, some foods,
wotnen in this age group get migraines but the
such as spices, red wine and chocolates migraine
number of women secking treatment is far rarer
triggers), or more commonly in women, by
than men. Allest, they take painkillers. Most,
changes in the levels of a particular hormone in
however, just live with the pain.
the bly.
2 Given the wide range of treatments available, 5 Prevention works best and is possible if a
they need not suffer "Most people dismiss
grer son is able to identify triggers and avoid them.
migraincs as a tension hektache that does not But trigger control is not enough. Mild or even
Deed treatment, even though medicines are molerate headaches may be satisfactorily
žvailable that can reduce the frequency and removců or even prevented at tiHutumes by using
severity of attack or even help prevent an kulc inexpensive painkillers like aspru, paracetamol
attack," says an eminent physician. Even children ex ibuprofen. Severe and chronic headaches,
get migraines, though these headaches ac linked however, usually require use of stronger
TILOTC to stress than any other cause
3 Migraine usually begins as a dull ache in the & Blore beginning treatment doctors recommend
head or neck and builds up to a throbbing pain on (rying changes in lifestyle such as getting regular
one side of the head. It usually lasts for several sleep and cxercise, identifying and avoiding
hours and the text book symptoms include migraine triggers, and asing relaxation
risusea, vomiting. sensitivity to light noise or techniques. "Medicines to prevetil migraines are
CHI, neck or shoulder pain or stiffness, Visual recommended if avoiding triggers is not possible
disturbances (which usually preede pain in and migraine occurs wore than twoc a month or
classic ruigraines , compulsion lo yawn, dry if it is severe enough to interfere with your
mouth or shiveung "Classic migraines excur in routine," says an eminent pluysician,
just 30 per cent zutients as the rest have
variations in symptoms ihal do not confom 10
(a) On the basis of your rending of the above
text book description." says a senin physician.
pnenge. make notes on it in points only,
uning abbreviations wherever necessary.
"In such cases, the doctor has to rule out other
causes such as neurological disorders bclore,
Supply a *uitable titles
reaching a diagnosis," he adds
(b) Write a summary of the above passage in
about B0 words 3
Section B (Writing Skills)
ly confeराइट द समरी ऑफ ए बो पैसेज इन अबाउट 100 वर्ड्स ​


Answered by ashu258023


only for much 5 points .Just chill

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