English, asked by HULK420420, 2 months ago

Max. Marks - 50 Q.1 Read the passage and answer the questions that follows - Travelling is now rightly considered an indispensable part of education. The knowl- edge gathered from books is of a somewhat theoratical character and in order to make it nature. Even if looked at from a totally different point of view it is a fact that none but the wanderers can thoroughly enjoy home. Travel and home are like exertion and rest, each is the complement of the other, so that one of the greatest pleasures of travel is the return On the other hand, home abiding man are like toads in a well. They have few higher aspirations of any kind and have a contempt for all reforms and innovations. Their mental horizon is so narrowed that while they see nothing good or worth immitating in the world abroad, they have an inordinate pride and vanity regarding the absolute perfection of their own land. This retards their material and moral progress. Blind patriotism is unfavourable to individual and national growths. 1.home abiding men are like________ 2.what does travelling gives us? 3. The knowledge gathered from books is of A. No use. B. Something what theoretical character C. A lot of use D. Practical character 4. Who can thoroughly enjoy home? 5. What us symonym of growth A. Development B. Shrinking C. Withering D. Destruction 6. Why is travelling an essential part of education? 7. How did the travellers enjoy their home? 8. The author has compared home abiding people to toads in a well. Why? 9. How is material and moral progress of the non travellers obstructed? 10. To what is blind patriotism unfavourable​


Answered by OOSADGIRLOO7


hope it's helpful mark me

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