English, asked by anuoyhome968, 9 months ago

"Maybe" is a poem that deals with the theme of death. Discuss​


Answered by sujalnagar762



EssaysEnglish Literature

Poems On The Theme Of Death

3391 words (14 pages) Essay

 4th May 2017  English Literature  Reference this


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The theme of death and the dying have pervaded numerous works of art throughout the ages. “Do not go gentle into that good night” by Dylan Thomas, “Remember” by Christina Rosetti, and John Donne’s “Death Be Not Proud” are distinguished examples of poems where the matter of death is being explored. These convey a mood of through the frequent use of extended metaphors; mortality is recurrently personified, compared to the passage of the sun, or even alluded to as a luxurious retreat. In addition to these poems, Emily Dickinson’s “Because I could not stop for Death”, “A Mother in a Refugee Camp” by Chinua Achebe, and “And Death Shall Have No Dominion” by Dylan Thomas, employ a variety of evocative imagery, figurative language and descriptive metaphors to convey their respective moods and themes of defiance, loss, and above all, the certainty of death.


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