MCQs questions
1. Which of the following can flow?
a. solid
b. liquid
c. gas
d. both b and c
2. Which of the following have closely packed molecules
a. solid
b. liquid
c. gas
d. both solid and liquid
3. Density of a substance is an inherent property of a substance for a given substance,
a. It increases with an increase in volume
b. It is independent of volume
c. it increases with and decrease in Mass
d. it increases with a decrease in mass.
4. the pointed end of the nail have -------- surface area.
a. more
b. small
c. large
d. broad
5. Which of the following is the correct answer in order of decreasing densities
a. sugar syrup, water, spirit
b. glycerin, olive oil, water
c. olive oil, water, sugar syrup
d. spirit, olive oil, water
1.Actually, all of them can flow, its just that liquid and gas do it more easily. 2. solid.
Even solids can flow, they just do it much more slowly - the rheological phenomenon of "creep" whereby solids undergo extremely slow deformation over time at stresses far below their critical yield stresses illustrates this.
There are certain types of synthetic polymer which look and behave like rubbery solids, but if left for extended periods of time will slowly "creep" to take the shape of their container. For other types of solids the rate of creep can be so small as to be almost immeasurable. For crystalline solids it is effectively zero.
So the answer is that all states of matter can potentially flow, but liquids and gasses do so the most readily,