Environmental Sciences, asked by rohanyadava, 5 months ago

me 3 Hours
Maximum. Mark
TE: Answer ANY TWELVE 02) Questions in about words ads. Atempt at ONE
question from EACU Nection
1 Write a short note on the Earth's Biosphere
2. State any 3 causes of population explosion
Name some social ills which prevent development,
* Write a few lines about the LT industry in Telangana
s. Write a few lines on plastic pollution
6 What are man made disasters? Give 3 examples.
→ Write a few lines about the advantages and disadvantages of
solar energy​


Answered by umabinu2002


Section A

Write a short note on the Earth's Biosphere.

The biosphere is made up of the parts of Earth where life exists. The biosphere extends from the deepest root systems of trees to the dark environment of ocean trenches, to lush rain forests and high mountaintops.

Moss Beach Marine Reserve

Tide pools, like this one at Moss Beach Marine Reserve, California, are part of the biosphere. The biosphere is made up of the parts of Earth where life exists—all ecosystems. The biosphere extends from the deepest root systems of trees, to the dark environments of ocean trenches, to lush rain forests, high mountaintops, and transition zones like this one, where ocean and terrestrial ecosystems meet.


Tide pools, like this one at Moss Beach Marine Reserve, California, are part of the biosphere. The biosphere is made up of the parts of Earth where life exists—all ecosystems. The biosphere extends from the deepest root systems of trees, to the dark environments of ocean trenches, to lush rain forests, high mountaintops, and transition zones like this one, where ocean and terrestrial ecosystems meet.


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The biosphere is made up of the parts of Earth where life exists. The biosphere extends from the deepest root systems of trees, to the dark environment of ocean trenches, to lush rain forests and high mountaintops.

Scientists describe the Earth in terms of spheres. The solid surface layer of the Earth is the lithosphere. The atmosphere is the layer of air that stretches above the lithosphere. The Earth’s water—on the surface, in the ground, and in the air—makes up the hydrosphere.

Since life exists on the ground, in the air, and in the water, the biosphere overlaps all these spheres. Although the biosphere measures about 20 kilometers (12 miles) from top to bottom, almost all life exists between about 500 meters (1,640 feet) below the ocean’s surface to about 6 kilometers (3.75 miles) above sea level.

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