mean of anger and surprise.
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a strong feeling that makes you want to hurt someone or be unpleasant because of something unfair or unkind that has happened:
I think he feels a lot of anger towards his father, who treated him very badly as a child.
There is a danger that anger at the new law may turn into anti-government feeling.
The people showed no surprise or anger at their treatment.
He found it hard to contain (= control) his anger.
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples
angerHe vented his anger by kicking the door.
annoyanceSmoke can cause annoyance by making clothes and hair smell unpleasant.
irritationShe expressed irritation with her son's attitude.
frustrationA lot of children's behaviour problems are caused by sheer frustration.
furyThe speech provoked fury in some parts of the world.
rageHe was filled with jealous rage when he saw his girlfriend talking to another man.