meaning of covid19..........
we already have idea about the newly introduce coronavirus disease . this is viral diseases which caused by virus . this disease 1st observed in china according to scientist it comes from bat and snakes .
this diseases no have any treatment yet it totally depend on the persons immunity power this infection is transfer from one to other by droplets and saliva if person is already suffer from cardiac and diabetes like diseases then they have very low chance to survive as they already have weak immunity
this disease is generally harmful to old age persons and childs . we can prevent from this diseases by avoiding following things
- wash your hands with sanitizer
- don't touch face again and again
- keep away from those people who has infection
- eat healthy drink more water
COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. 'CO' stands for corona, 'VI' for virus, and 'D' for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as '2019 novel coronavirus' or '2019-nCoV.'