Meaning of floral formula of datura plant
A conventional method for recording the structure of a flower. It uses a series of capital letters to identify parts: K = calyx; C = corolla; A = androecium; G = gynoecium. The number of components in each is indicated by a number; if the number exceeds 12, the symbol ∞ (infinity) is used. If the parts are fused the number is enclosed in brackets. If 1 whorl is fused to the next, they are enclosed by a single bracket drawn horizontally above them. The position of the ovary is indicated by a line; this is below the number following G if the ovary is superior and above it if the ovary is inferior. The formula is preceded by the symbol ⊕ if the flower is actinomorphic and ·|· or ↑ if it is zygomorphic.
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There are different parts of Datura plant which are explained as follows:
Habit: Large, erect and stout herb.
Root: Branched tap root system.
Stem: The stem is hollow, green and herbaceous with a strong odour.
Leaf: Simple, alternate, petiolate, entire or deeply lobed, glabrous showing unicostate reticulate venation and exstipulate
Inflorescence: Solitary and axillary cyme.
Flower: Flowers are large, greenish white, bracteate, ebracteolate, pedicellate, complete dichlamydeous pentamerous, regular, actinomorphic-bisexual and hypogynous.
Calyx: Sepals-5, green, gamosepalous showing valvate aestivation. Calyx is mostly persistent and odd sepal is posterior in position.
Corolla: Petals 5, greenish white, gamopetalous (folded like a fan) showing twisted, aestivation funnel shaped.
Androecium: Stamens 5, free from one another epipetalous, alternate the petals and are inserted in the middle of the corolla tube. Anthers are basifixed, dithecous with long filament, introrse and longitudinally dehiscent.
Gynoecium: Ovary superior, bicarpellary and syncarpous. Ovary basically bilocular but tetralocular due to the formation of false septa. Carpels are obliquely placed and ovules on the swollen axile placenta. Style simple, long and filiform. Stigma two-lobed.
Fruit: Spinescent capsule opening by four apical valves with persistent calyx.
Seed: Endospermous.