English, asked by shreyathakur1832, 3 months ago

meaning of following scuttling,clutching ,muttering,curious,gasped,cried,curios,squeezed,balloned,parachute,tunic,ruff,bursting,poked ,stretched,fluttered​


Answered by Renumahala2601


meaning of following scuttling,clutching ,muttering,curious,gasped,cried,curios,squeezed,balloned,parachute,tunic,ruff,bursting,poked ,stretched,fluttered

Answered by AngelicSparks29


scuttling :- to run quickly with short steps or with the body close to the ground.

clutching :- to hold something tightly, especially because you are in pain, afraid or excited.

muttering :- to speak in a low, quiet and often angry voice that is difficult to hear.

curious :- wanting to know or learn something.

gasped :- to take a sudden loud breath with your mouth open, usually because you are surprised or in pain.

cried :- to make a noise and produce tears in your eyes, for example, because you are unhappy or have hurt yourself.

curios :- a small, valuable object that is rare, unusual or beautiful, often something that people collect.

squeezed :- to press something hard for a particular purpose.

balloned :- swell out in a spherical shape.

parachute :- a piece of equipment that opens and lets the person fall to the ground slowly when he/she jumps from a plane

tunic :- a piece of women’s clothing, usually without sleeves, that is long and not tight .

ruff :- a projecting starched frill worn round the neck, characteristic of Elizabethan and Jacobean costume.

bursting :- to break open suddenly and violently, usually because there is too much pressure inside; to cause this to happen.

Poket :- a piece of material like a small bag that is sewn inside or on a piece of clothing and is used for carrying things in.

stretched :- to pull something so that it becomes longer or wider; to become longer or wider in this way.

fluttered :- to move or make something move quickly and lightly, especially through the air..

Hope its help..

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