meaning of the line my attention the magic of summer had lured from the game-which was wrong.the bee was droning its favourite song.( poem name missed)
My attention the magic of summer
Had lured from the game — which was wrong.
The bee (that inveterate hummer)
Was droning its favourite song.
I was tenderly dreaming of Clara
(On her not a girl is a patch),
When, ah, horror! there soared through the air a
Decidedly possible catch.
Lure – Attract
Inveterate – Disturbing; incurable
Drone – Buzz; Hum
Tenderly – Lovingly
Patch – Match
Soar – Fly
Decidedly – Definitely; Accurate
Whom to blame? Was it the magical summer? Yes, it was the magic of the summer that distracted the player’s attention from the game. It was wrong to have looked away and played badly. It was a bee’s humming, it was the thought of Clara that distracted the player. Oh, it was an easy catch.
What had lured the poet’s attention from the game?
The poet’s attention was lured by the magical presence of the summer that warmed him and the world around him. Besides, he was disturbed by a bee that hummed around the pitch.
Who was the player thinking of just before he missed the catch?
The player’s mind was full of the memories of Clara, the worthiest girl he had ever known.
What does the poet think of Clara?
The poet had a high esteem for Clara. He believes that Clara was the most beautiful girl.