Meaning of the quote "Every cloud has silver lining but it is sometimes little difficult to get it to the mint."
Nice quote ☺️ but quotes have the feeling not meaning ☺️☺️
Things are rarely as they seem, so don’t be too disappointed when what you imagined isn’t what you get. This is not a downer post. I’m merely letting you know that it is important to have high expectations, but those expectations may not always be realistic. When I think about Japan, I think about gardens and Tokyo and other interesting things. Well, I’m in Japan and I haven’t seen anything that I thought would be here. Am I disappointed? Not really. Do I miss home? Of course. But, I’m grateful for the opportunity nonetheless. Live according to what you are given and look out for the beautiful things. For example, since I’ve been here, I’ve learned why people kill pheasants. It’s because they’re annoying squawking birds that wake people up at 5 am. See, I learned something I hadn’t before and that is important. So anyway, keep looking for the silver lining. It’s always there.
“Every cloud has its silver lining but it is sometimes a little difficult to get it to the mint.” — Don Marquis. Things are rarely as they seem, so don't be too disappointed when what you imagined isn't what you get.