Meaning of this poem?
Snowman by Gu Cheng
I built a snowman
At your front door
To stand in my stead, waiting there
In all its s t u p i d i t y
Then you buried your lollipop
Deep into its snowy heart
Saying this little sweetness
Would perk it up
The snowman did not smile
Did not make a sound
And then the bright spring sun
Melted him away…
Where is he now?
Where is that candied heart?
A bee buzzes
Beside the small puddle of tears
well I have given you this poem in hindi ...
मैंने एक स्नोमैन बनाया
आपके सामने के दरवाजे पर
मेरे स्थान पर खड़ा होना, वहाँ प्रतीक्षा करना
अपनी सारी मूर्खता में
फिर तुमने अपना लॉलीपॉप दफना दिया
इसके बर्फीले दिल में गहरे
यह छोटी सी मिठास कह रही है
इसे बढ़ावा देंगे
हिममानव मुस्कुराया नहीं
आवाज नहीं की
और फिर उज्ज्वल वसंत सूरज
उसे पिघला दिया...
जहां वह अब है?
कहाँ है वो दिलकश दिल?
मधुमक्खी भिनभिनाती है
आँसुओं के छोटे पोखर के पास
The snowman by Gu cheng:
The Snow Man is a brief, enigmatic poem that allows the reader to enter the wintertime imagination and eventually confront a paradox.
It is not just a mystical interpretation of a grim reality, but also a comprehensive investigation of awareness levels. And throughout the five stanzas, there is not a single reference of a real snowman.
The speaker tenderly counsels the reader to simply accept things as they are, to experience the wind and naked cold as nothing more than what they are, with and without fancy.
The poem is essentially examining the concept that emotion (misery) and sensation (of cold and gloom) are connected because the mind is compelled to create words to express emotion.