meaning of vocal for local
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‘Vocal for Local’ is a concept that dates back to the era of the "Swadeshi movement" which stared in 1905 as part of the Indian independence movement. As an economic strategy, it assisted in developing Indian nationalism during that time
- Currently with the "COVID-19 pandemic", the PM stressed that Indian production, local markets & local supply chains must be recognized as significant. He said COVID-19 was showing India how important it is to be local. He said, "All the people's demands were in fact met locally at the time of the crisis. Now it's time to speak out about local products. and assist them in becoming global
- The PM felt that the COVID-19 crisis had impelled local goods, because it was the locals who met the demand to save India from duress during the crisis. He says people manufacturing local goods need help and it is the duty of every Indian to purchase local products. He invented a new slogan "vocal for local", meaning not only to buy local goods, but to be proud of them.
- The PM feel many Indian goods will become genuinely global if Indians follow the "vocal for local" slogan. One of the greatest advantages of "vocals for the community" is that it will provide a unique identity for micro-small and medium-sized companies who otherwise have a deep marketing budget. This would also tap the uniqueness of India, in which unidentified cities have unique products which are commercially viable.
- This concept will also give impetus to the Indian economy. Since huge investment is required to overcome the present economic crisis, purchasing Indian products would give the much needed boost to Indian economy. Therefore, the 'Vocal for local' campaign has been initiated.
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