Measure the time it takes you to walk from your bus stop or the school if you consider that your average walking speed is 4 km/h, estimate the distance of the bus stop or school from your house.
Hint: Such questions can be easily solved using the distance formula, where we find the distance by taking the product of the speed with time. Using this formula and the conditions given in our question, we can easily find our required solution.
Complete answer:
We know that distance can be termed as the product of speed and time. We are also aware of the fact that the distance always remains a constant whereas speed and time can vary with people, perspectives and circumstances.
In the question we are measuring the time it takes us to walk from our house to our bus stop or the school. In such a situation, we are supposed to measure the time when we reach the school or the bus stop by walking from the house.
Let us consider a situation where the total time that is taken to walk from our house to our bus stop or the school is three hours.
We are also given our average walking speed that is 4km/h
Hence, the distance required to reach the destination will be 3 × 4 = 12 km.
This is how we solve this problem for all cases.
Hope it's correct
thank you