Measure the time it takes you to walk from your house to your bus stop or the school. If you consider that your average walking speed is. 4 km h-?, estimate the distance of the bus stop or school from your house.
house to your bus stop or the school. If you consider that your average walking speed is. 4 km h-?, estimate the distance of the bus stop or school from your house.
u r so cute
✌⛄❣ _ I HOPE HELP YOU _❣⛄✌
the distance formula given the speed and tine is given by - :Distance = speed × time
in this case we should understand that the distance remains constant..
the speed and time can very for different people __
so in this case we have the distance from your house to be bus stop or the school..
in this case you need to measure the time you take to reach the school of the bus stop from the house ..
ones you do this then you 2 house from the house to the bua stop or to the school ___
___ ANSWER = 2 × 8 = 8 KM ___