Sociology, asked by pooja3333, 1 year ago

Measures to control load shedding.


Answered by uroojnadeem68


We are in the middle of an energy crisis and each of us need to make some dramatic changes to ensure that we have electricity, and that the economy can continue to run.

The first thing we each need to realise is that in the short term Eskom and the government can't help us. In fact, the only short term solution is to punish everyone by load shedding or electricity rationing.

The next thing to realise is that we can help ourselves and everyone else. Here is what to do (keep reading and find out how...)

Turn off the air conditioners

Turn off your geyser

Turn off your pool pump

Turn off anything that consumes standby energy (TV's, DVD players, cell phone chargers, etc.)

Switch to CFL and LED lights (and use fewer lights)

Run appliances as late at night, or early in the morning as possible

Use your computers in energy saving modes

Answered by princektr


load shedding is controlled by way of sharing the available electricity among all its customers. By switching off parts of the network in a planned and controlled manner, the system remains stable throughout the day, and the impact is spread over a wider base of customers.

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