Mechanism of exchanges of gases in lungs in
Gases exchanges takes place in the millions of alveoli in the lungs and the capillaries that envelop them. As shown below , inhaled oxygen moves from the alveoli to the blood in the capillaries , and the carbon dioxide moves from the blood in the capillaries to the air in the alveoli.
Lungs are located in the chest cavity and separated from
somach and other parts of digestive system by diaphragm.
During breathing intercostal muscle of ribs contract and relax which cause change in the volume of theran.
During inhalation, rib cage is the and diaphragm la intercostal muscles contract while during exhalation ribcage is lowered, diaphragam moves up, as interes tal muscles relax .
To ensure that clean ampheric air is taken in during Inhalation, there are hairs in nose which filtre the air trapping dirt in the mucus secreted from the epithelial lining.
In addition, epithelium in trachea also consis of aliated cells Cilia continuously beat upward to sweep the mucus from threat to the pharynx. Special goblet cells secrete means to trap the dirt from the inhaled air. Calia sp it upward and it is swallowed from the pharynx into the adjacent oesophagus.
Hence, the air entering lung is free from dirt particles.