Mechanism of working of hert
The work of the heart is to receive the blood and then pump it out of the heart with great force. In order to do this function heart keeps on relaxing and contracting throughout the life of a person. The contraction of the heart is known as Systole and relaxation is termed as Diastole. The systole and diastole alternate with each other. The contraction of the heart chambers decreases the volume of the heart chambers and forces the blood out of them. The relaxation of heart chambers bring the heart back to normal size and then it starts receiving blood. During systole, the whole heart doesn’t contract at the same time. The auricles systole earlier than the ventricles. A regular sequence of three events i.e. Auricular systole, Ventricular systole and Joint diastole is known as the cardiac cycle. In other words, the sequence of events which takes place during the completion of one heartbeat is known as the cardiac cycle. The human heart beats at a rate of 72 times per minute at normal conditions.