mechanisms of breathing explain
on taking air inside the body; lungs expand whereas on expelling air outside the body lungs shrink
→ Active intake of air from atmosphere into lungs.
→ During this, the diaphragm contracts causing an increase in vertical volume.
→ Contraction of external intercostal muscles lifts up the ribs and sternum causing an increase in thoracic volume in the dorso-ventral axis.
→ These changes reduce pressure inside the thorax causing the expansion of lungs. Thus pulmonary volume increases resulting in decrease of intra-pulmonary pressure to less than the atmospheric pressure. So air moves into lungs.
→ Passive expelling of air from the lungs.
→ During this, intercostal muscles & diaphragm relax causing a decrease in thoracic volume and there by pulmonary volume. So air moves out.
→ During forceful expiration, abdominal muscles and internal inter-costal muscles contract.