English, asked by Bhaskar4711, 11 months ago

Meera said to her mother, "I visited my uncle yesterday." Change into indirect


Answered by aaishaani01


Meera told her mother that she visited her uncle the day before.

Answered by pragyan07sl


The correct indirect narration is-

Meera told her mother that she had visited her uncle the previous day.                          


  • In linguistics, indirect narration refers to the grammatical construction often used for reporting the speech or words of the speaker without altering the meaning.  
  • Indirect speech or narration also spelt as reported speech use no quotation or speech marks and is presented with some modifications conveying the same meaning.
  • When creating indirect from Direct/ repeating speech, the simple past tense will be changed into the past perfect tense, first-person & pronoun (I, my, me, mine, we, our, us, ours) & reporting Verb Subject (doer) of person, number changes according to gender and words showing nearness of time or position changes.
  • Hence visited changes to had visited, my changes to her and yesterday to the previous day.

Therefore as per the rules for reporting someone's speech, the given sentence will be-

Meera told her mother that she had visited her uncle the previous day.


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