men and women are two sides of a coin. Justify the statement in your own words. in long
is being a lady that simple or troublesome? on off chance that a man takes a necessary steps for a lady is it something that very joyful,,,,
The accomplishment of full parity between men and women is one of the most key essentiality for international prosperity and the progression of society. The refutation of such equality effects an injustice against 11/2 of the world’s populace and stimulates male supremacy which is prevalent within the family to the workplace.
Women and men signifies 2 forms of celestial energy, they are the female and male elements of a psyche. A human is neither feminine nor masculine, however has 2 forms of emanation/release, the masculine form which is by nature externally oriented, physically more powerful,more argumentative, and the feminine form which is emotionally powerful, personifies inner dignity, and more subtle. Many people misperceive subtlety with weakness; in reality, it is tougher than the most confrontational physical force.
Neither a woman’s nature is weak nor the man’s nature though aggressive is not pitiless. Men and Women are 2 sides of a coin and to be complete, they should own both energies, and both are needed to each other; not only for pro-creation, but also to be complete. Men incline to be more decisive, analytical, seeking answers or solutions. Women are extremely emotional,eager and willing to listen and comfort. Women are subtle to feelings whereas men incline towards abstract logic. Both attributes of men/women are crucial to manage a household and family.