Men..... one cheerful.... no worries... believed all would be well.... the other full of worries.... worried about old age.... not able to work.... no money... may have to beg.... might go blind.... wants to know what blindness would be like... walks with eyes shut.... does not see purse full of gold.... companion spots it... picks up... thanks god
what is this please tell me
Worrying gives a small thing a big shadow .
Two friends, Thomas and Jack, were walking along a road together. Thomas
was a cheerful, happy-go-lucky fellow who had no time to worry about things in
life. He believed that if he worked as hard as he could, all would turn out well in
the future. Jack, on the other hand, saw the dark side of things. He worried
about everything. He was worried about what would happen to him in old age
when he was not able to work anymore. He feared he would be in need of
money and would have to beg for a living. He feared that he would even go
bling with increasing age.
To understand what he would feel like in old age, he said, “Thomas, blind-fold
me with your handkerchief. I want to see what it feels like to be blind.” Thomas
told him not to be a fool, but Jack didn’t agree. He started walking with his eyes
While he was doing this, he missed seeing a bag full of gold lying on the side of
the road. Thomas, who was walking happily along with Jack with no such
worries, spotted the bag and picked it up, not knowing it was full of gold. He looked inside and couldn’t believe his luck. He thanked God for taking care of his future.
I hope this will help you.