Biology, asked by siri5024, 11 months ago

Mendals law of segregation is aplicable to studyadda


Answered by shadan79
Read this is the answer of your question about mendal law of segretion
Answered by Anonymous

What do u mean by applicable to study adda ?

Law of segregation

Law of segregation states that " During the formation of gametes . the alleles for each gene segregate from each other or separate from each other such that each gamete gets only one allele ."

Concept :

Suppose imagine this cross :

Dominant Brown eye BB is crossing with recessive blue eye bb

Note here that :

The formation of gametes will occur by taking only one allele from BB and another allele from bb

Their probability is 1/2

Here the alleles will be B and b particularly because there is no other choice.

From BB only one allele will be B itself and from bb the allele will also be b itself.

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