Mention 10 archaic english words and their meaning.
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abroad✓ out of doors
accouchement✓ birthing
advertisement✓ a notice to readers in a book
afeard/afeared ✓frightened
affright✓ frighten (someone)
ague ✓malaria or a similar illness
aliment ✓food; nourishment
ambuscade ✓an ambush
animalcule ✓a microscopic animal
apothecary ✓a person who prepared and sold medicine
appetency ✓a longing or desire
assay ✓attempt
asunder ✓apart
audition✓ the power of hearing
hope helps
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Anon = right away; immediately.
Betwixt = in between.
Crumpet = a person's head.
Erelong = soon.
Fair = beautiful.
Forthwith = immediately.
Potation = a beverage.
Scurvy = worthless.abroad out of doors
accouchement = birthing
advertisement = a notice to readers in a book
afeard/afeared = frightened
affright = righten (someone)
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