Mention 6 measures to check air pollution.
Industries release smoke and other harmful gases into the atmosphere. This causes the air quality index in the surrounding areas to be very poor. A bad air quality index indicates that air is not fit for breathing and can cause many unwanted problems. Therefore, the problem of air pollution has to be tackled at the root level.
Devices like the electrostatic precipitator and scrubber help in removing particulate matter and some harmful gases respectively. The use of electrostatic precipitator is one of the widely used ones to remove the particulate matter that get suspended in the air.
This is mostly used in thermal power plants where the particulate matter concentration is high in exhausts. This device has electrode wires that produce a corona to release electrons. When dust particles are released, these electrons attach to the dust particles, thus giving them a negative charge. There are collecting plates that are grounded, which attract these charged dust particles. The dust particulate matter is thus removed from the smoke coming out of exhausts in thermal power plants.

A scrubber is an apparatus that removes gases like Sulphur dioxide. In a scrubber, the exhaust goes through a spray of water or lime. This water dissolves the gases and with the reactions of lime and sulfur dioxide, precipitates are formed. Clean air then comes out, as it is now devoid of the harmful gases.
Usage of unleaded petrol in automobiles is also recommended. To reduce the emissions of poisonous gases like carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide, automobiles are also fitted with catalytic converters
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