Biology, asked by sumohit, 11 months ago

Mention any four problems caused due to deforestation.


Answered by Anonymous

▶️. The problems arising due to deforestation are as follows

❤. Carbon dioxide concentration of the atmosphere has increased.

❤. There is loss of biodiversity due to Habitat destruction.

❤. Deforestation disturbs hydrological cycle.

❤. There is soil erosion and it may lead to desertification in extreme cases.

Answered by arunav23
any four problems caused due to deforestation are as follows
1. with the cutting down of trees, the roots of plants are not able to hold the soil. hence it leads to soil erosion and land slides.
2. with the increasing population there is much need of oxygen. but deforestation leads to lack of oxygen and increase in carbon dioxide which is a green house gas. it leads to global warming. at the same time it leads to lack of fresh air.
3. it leads to destruction of many natural habitat of animals and birds. this also affects tribal lives living their tradition.
4. it leads to flood in the low lying plains. the roots hold the soil and absorbs water gradually. but with deforestation roots are not able to hold the soil. the water does not get absorbed quickly. so this causes flood in the low lying plains.

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