Mention any three problem created by green revolution
Loss of soil fertility, erosion of soil, soil toxicity, diminishing water resources, pollution of underground water, salinity of underground water, increased incidence of human and livestock diseases and global warming are some of the negative impacts of over adoption of agricultural technologies by the farmers to make .
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1)1. Inter-Crop Imbalances:
The effect of Green Revolution is primarily felt on food-grains. Although all food-grains including wheat, rice, jowar, bajra and maize have gained from the Green Revolution, it is wheat which has benefited the most. It has wrested areas from coarse cereals, pulses and oilseeds. The HYV seeds in latter crops have either not been developed so far at all, or they are not good enough for farmers to risk their adoption.
2)Regional Disparities:
Green Revolution technology has given birth to growing disparities in economic development at interred and intra regional levels. It has so far affected only 40 per cent of the total cropped area and 60 per cent is still untouched by it. The most affected areas are Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh in the north and Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu in the south.
3)Increase in Inter-Personal Inequalities:
It has been observed that it is the big farmer having 10 hectares or more land, who is benefited the most from Green Revolution because he has the financial resources to purchase farm implements, better seeds, fertilizers and can arrange for regular supply of irrigation water to the crops.
As against this, the small and marginal farmers do not have the financial resources to purchase these farm inputs and are deprived of the benefits of Green Revolution Technology. There were about 1,053 lakh holdings in India in 1990-91 out of which only 1.6 per cent exceeded 10 hectares in size.
Except in Punjab, and to some extent in Haryana, farm mechanization under Green Revolution has created widespread unemployment among agricultural labourers in the rural areas. The worst hit are the poor and the landless people.