Mention any two areas that WHO deals with
The WHO Country Office for India is headquartered in Delhi with country-wide presence.
Dr Henk Bekedam is the WHO Representative to India.
the United Nations
With 194 Member States and more than 150 offices around the world, the WHO shares a devotion to achieve better health for everyone, everywhere. The two areas of work that WHO deals with are:
a) Communicable diseases; like diphtheria, measles, tuberculosis, whooping cough, etc. The organization provides prevention through immunization, which should be available to all the children who are victims of these communicable diseases. A world wide campaign is leaded by the organization with collaboration with UNICEF to provide effective immunization for all children.
b) Non-communicable diseases; like cancer and heart diseases, tobacco use, diabetes, etc. Prevention regarding NDCs is a growing issue mainly in the developing countries. So, in order to boost the problem, the organization has split their departments into four teams. They are- Tobacco Free Initiatives, Health Promotion, Surveillance and Population-based Prevention and mHealth (mobile based technologies).