Biology, asked by chaudharyhimanshu16, 1 year ago

Mention any two economical uses of modern method of irrigation over traditional method of irrigation.


Answered by shreyavenugopal
modern method of irrigation over traditional method of irrigation are:
furrow irrigation(flood irrigation).
drip irrigation.
spray irrigation.
furrow irrigation: it is an irrigation in which gravity flow is applied to move water across the in order to infiltrate and wet it.

drip irrigation: it is an irrigation system in which water is delivered at the root of the plant,drop by is also known as trickle irrigation.

spray irrigation: it is also known as over head is an irrigation in which water is distributed the field by the aid of high pressure sprinklers.

chaudharyhimanshu16: Mention any two economical uses of modern method of irrigation over traditional method of irrigation.
shreyavenugopal: ya thats the answer but i answered partially.
chaudharyhimanshu16: you want to write uses
shreyavenugopal: ok
shreyavenugopal: i think now answered
shreyavenugopal: did i answered
shreyavenugopal: u r welcome
Answered by diana
1- it is costly but by using it gives us good and lots of surplus even on small plot of land.
2- and it is easy to use than traditional method .

diana: thanx
chaudharyhimanshu16: your most welcome
shreyavenugopal: but i answered u r question
diana: thanx for marking as the best himanshu....
diana: if u need any help in another question then u can ask
chaudharyhimanshu16: ok
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