mention some health related problems in infant born to a teenage mother
I hope it will help u..
1) mom will not walk properly
2) she always have pain when she will sit or down
mamary glands have some problems
4) swelling belly
Teenage Pregnancy Symptoms
Missing one or more menstrual periods is the classic sign of pregnancy. But this can be tricky for teenage girls, whose periods aren't yet regular. It can also be tricky for girls whose cycles are off as a result of dieting or exercise, low body fat from sports, or anorexia.
The full list of pregnancy signs includes:
A missed menstrual period
Nausea or vomiting -- called "morning sickness," though it can happen throughout the day
Sudden, intense aversion to certain foods, especially meats or fatty, fried foods
Sore nipples or breasts
Swelling belly
A positive pregnancy test is another sign of pregnancy. Today's home pregnancy tests are generally considered accurate. These simple kits can be bought over the counter in drugstores.