Mention the applications of vande Graff generator
Van De Graaff Generator Working Principle are useful for very high voltage and low current applications. The output voltage is easily controlled by controlling the corona source voltage and the rate of charging. The voltage can be stabilized to 0.01%. These are extremely flexible and precise machines for voltage control.
In order to produce intense particle and X-ray beams for nuclear research and nuclear medicine, van de Graaff generators are still utilised as accelerators. Arcing and corona discharge restrict the voltage generated by an open-air Van de Graaff machine to roughly 5 MV.
Step 1: Source of extremely high voltage for particle acceleration Additionally, it is utilised to create powerful X-Ray beams. Additionally, it serves as entertainment. Through the application of high voltage and an electron accelerator, food ingredients are sterilised.
Step 2: The Van De Graaff generator has the following benefits: The output has no ripples. flexibility and accuracy in controlling voltage. It is simple to generate very high voltage—roughly 20 million volts.
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