Mention the change in demand of vegetables
March 2020
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Realme is an offshoot of the Chinese brand Oppo, and aims to provide smartphones under Rs. 20,000 for the "young people around the world." It is led by former Oppo Global VP Sky Li and was launched in May 2018.
Realme is an offshoot of the Chinese brand Oppo, and aims to provide smartphones under Rs. 20,000 for the "young people around the world." It is led by former Oppo Global VP Sky Li and was launched in May 2018.
As a result, future demand for agricultural products is expected to slow further - to 1.6 percent a year for the period 1997-99 to 2015 and to 1.4 percent for 2015 to 2030. In developing countries the slowdown will be more dramatic, from 3.7 percent for the past 30 years to an average 2 percent for the next 30.
The global value of fruit and vegetable production exceeds that of all food grains combined.
Vegetable intake must be nurtured through supply- and demand-side interventions.
Evidence is accumulating for the nutritional and economic power of vegetables.
Vegetables are increasingly recognized as essential for food and nutrition security. Vegetable production provides a promising economic opportunity for reducing rural poverty and unemployment in developing countries and is a key component of farm diversification strategies. Vegetables are mankind's most affordable source of vitamins and minerals needed for good health. Today, neither the economic nor nutritional power of vegetables is sufficiently realized. To tap the economic power of vegetables, governments will need to increase their investment in farm productivity (including improved varieties, alternatives to chemical pesticides, and the use of protected cultivation), good postharvest management, food safety, and market access. To tap the nutritional power of vegetables, consumers need to know how vegetables contribute to health, and find them at affordable prices or be able to grow them themselves. Vegetable consumption must therefore be nurtured through a combination of supply-side interventions and behavioral change communication emphasizing the importance of eating vegetables for good nutrition and health. To fully tap the economic and nutritional power of vegetables, governments and donors will need to give vegetables much greater priority than they currently receive. Now is the time to prioritize investments in vegetables, providing increased economic opportunities for smallholder farmers and providing healthy diets for all.