Mention the characteristics of social changes.
Social change is universal or it is an essential law.
Change with diff. in speed & form simple society … change was slower.
Change is unpredictable in general Revol is a process of social change. What speed & in what form the change takes place is not easily predictable.
Social change is change in community
Social change generally changes in direction. There are 3 patterns of social change.
linear failure change generally leads to progress (change for good) can't cycle –car – train –plain
Fluctuating change – the change may be upward & downward. The demographic change is such also economic change,
Cyclical change – the change is in a cycle. Fashion, sometimes also in economical aspect (Karl max gave this idea. He says earlier there was no private property & we may go back to it).
Social change is the variation in the social order of society. This variation may be in institutions, human behavior and people relations. There are ten major characteristics of social change which are given below:
i) Change in social
ii) Universal
iii) Continuous
iv) Inevitable
v) Temporal
vi) Degree of rate of change is not uniform
vii) It may be planned or may be planned
viii) It is multi-casual
ix) It creates chain reactions
x) Its prediction is always uncertain