English, asked by ankitkulkarni2002, 1 year ago

Mention the curse about the medicinal plant


Answered by jathin350jathin

Medicinal Plants from the Forest

Cinchona Tree (S. America)

Calabar bean (Africa)

Coca plant (South America)

Curare liana (America)

Rosy periwinkle (Madagascar)

Wild yams (Central America)

Answered by Arslankincsem

Medicinal plants cure many diseases, but some of them have bad affects on the human body which are listed below:

A.Aloe vera juice- it leads to abdominal pain and diarrhea.

B.Flavonoids- it damages the kidneys.  

C.American ginseng- it results in hypertension, headaches, nervousness, itching etc.

D.Vasambu- vomiting and nausea.  

E.Safrole- it damages the liver.

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