mention the different rules followed for the following grammar topics . direct and indirect speech . subject verb agreement
1. All inverted commas or quotation marks are omitted and the sentence ends with a full stop.
2. Conjunction ‘that’ is added before the indirect statement.
3. The pronoun ‘I’ is changed to ‘she’. (The Pronoun is changed in Person)
4. The verb ‘am’ is changed to ‘was’. (Present Tense is changed to Past)
5. The adverb ‘now’ is changed to ‘then’.
Rules for subject verb agreement-
1. The subject and verb must agree in number: both must be singular, or both must be plural.
2. The number of the subject (singular or plural) is not changed by words(or a phrase) that come in between the subject and the verb.
3. Some subjects always take a singular verb even though the meaning may seem plural.
4. Subjects joined by “and” are plural. Subjects joined by “or” or “Nor” take a verb that agrees with the last subject.
5. Nouns such as ‘civics’, ‘mathematics’,‘dollars’, and ‘news’ require singular verbs.