History, asked by taniyamangal283, 4 days ago

Mention the features of socialism..​


Answered by nithiabhi1227


(1) Public Ownership: ...

(2) Central Planning: ...

(3) Definite Objectives: ...

(4) Freedom of Consumption: ...

(5) Equality of Income Distribution: ...

(6) Planning and the Pricing Process: ...

(1) Greater Economic Efficiency: ...

(2) Greater Welfare due to Less Inequality of Income:

Answered by d2karmy


(1) Public Ownership:

A socialist economy is characterised by public ownership of the means of production and distribution. There is collective ownership whereby all mines, farms, factories, financial institutions, distributing agencies (internal and external trade, shops, stores, etc.), means of transport and communications, etc. are owned, controlled, and regulated by government departments and state corporations. A small private sector also exists in the form of small business units which are carried on in the villages by local artisans for local consumption.

(2) Central Planning:


A socialist economy is centrally planned which functions under the direction of a central planning authority. It lays down the various objectives and targets to be achieved during the plan period. Central economic planning means “the making of major economic decisions—what and how much is to be produced, how, when and where it is to be produced, and to whom it is to be allocated—by the conscious decision of a determinate authority, on the basis of a comprehensive survey of the economic system as a whole.”

And the central planning authority organises and utilises the economic resources by deliberate direction and control of the economy for the purpose of achieving definite objectives and targets laid down in the plan during a specified period of time.

(3) Definite Objectives:

A socialist economy operates within definite socio-economic objectives. These objectives “may concern aggregate demand, full employment, satisfaction of communal demand, allocation of factors of production, distribution of the national income, the amount of capital accumulation, economic development…and so forth.” For achieving the various objectives laid down in the plan, priorities and bold targets are fixed covering all aspects of the economy.

(4) Freedom of Consumption:

Under socialism, consumers’ sovereignty implies that production in state- owned industries is generally governed by the preferences of consumers, and the available commodities are distributed to the consumers at fixed prices through the state-run department stores. Consumers’ sovereignty under socialism is confined to the choice of socially useful commodities.

(5) Equality of Income Distribution:


In a socialist economy, there is great equality of income distribution as compared with a free market economy. The elimination of private ownership in the means of production, private capital accumulation, and profit motive under socialism prevent the amassing of large wealth in the hands of a few rich persons. The unearned incomes in the form of rent, interest and profit go to the state which utilises them in providing free education, public health facilities, and social security to the masses. “As far as wages and salaries are concerned, most modern socialists do not aim at complete and rigid equality. It is now generally understood that the maintenance offered choice of occupation implies wage differentials.”

(6) Planning and the Pricing Process:

The pricing process under socialism does not operate freely but works under the control and regulation of the central planning authority. There are administered prices which are fixed by the central planning authority. There are also the market prices at which consumer goods are sold. There are also the accountings prices on the basis of which the managers decide about the production of consumer goods and investment goods, and also about the choice of production methods.

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