Biology, asked by Landashree, 1 year ago

Mention the function of different part of Brain


Answered by lalitata
Major parts of the brain : 

Fore brain : Olfactory lobes, cerebral hemispheres (2) or cerebrum, Diencephalon 

Mid Brain : Cerebral  peduncles, Corpora quadrigemina. 

Hind Brain : Pons, cerebellum, medulla oblongata. 

Functions : 

(1) Olfactory Lobes : Receive sensation of smell from olfactory epithelium and relay the same to temporal lobes of cerebral hemispheres. 

(2) Cerebral Hemisphres : (a) Frontal Lobes : Centres of intelligence, control of movement and facial muscles. (b) Pariental Lobes: Taste and cutaneous sensations with some components of speech. (c) Temporal Lobes :Hearing, smell, recall of audiovisual memory, some components of speech. (d) Occipital Lobes : Sight. 

(3) Diencephalon : Hypothalamus part regulates ativity of smooth muscles and functions as control centre for hunger, thirst, fatigue, sleep, sweating, temperature and emotions, Pituitary gland and pineal gland are components of diencephalon. 

(4) Corpora Quadrigemina : Superior sight reflexes. Inferior - auditory reflexes. 

(5) Cerebellum : Controls pontrols posture and equilibrium. 

(6) Pons : Part of respiratory centre. 

(7) Medulla Oblongata : Centre for reflexes, blood pressure, heart beat, breathing. 

Answered by Lizzie1
Fore Brain - smell, vision, hearing, feeling full, thinking and receive impulses from sense organs.
Mid Brain and Hind Brain - simple reflex action like change in size of pupil. Most of the involuntary actions are controlled by both.
Medulla in Hind brain - blood pressure, salivation, vomiting is controlled by Medulla
Cerebellum - maintains posture and balance of body
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