Mention the importance of respiration as a life process .
The respiration is essential for the survival of living organisms.It releases energy from the food.
● This is an important life process because through this process energy is is produced inside a cell.
● It involves the breaking down of absorved food in the presence of oxygen.
● Respiration involves mainly Two Steps; glycolysis and krebs cycle.
● For an organism, it is very important to get energy or synthesise energy in the form of ATP. The evolved energy is utilised for basic needs and for the maintenance of life.
● The living state involves many biological processes which required energy this energy comes from respiration.
● Respiration is mainly of two types aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration ; in aerobic respiration, The breakdown of absorved so good food at presence of oxygen whereas in anaerobic respiration The breakdown of glucose in the absence of oxygen.