Mention the important feature of the religion of the later Vedic period
The Vedic Religion is based on the teachings of the Vedas, which
signifies the way of living a sin free life. The Vedas are the
teachings of the religion Hinduism. There are different types of
Vedas, each signifying different facts and opinions about the
religion. The main text of the Vedic religion is the Rig Veda. The Rig
Veda itself contains some 1,028 hymns of praise to a predominantly
male group of deities who seem to personify various powers of nature
such as fire, sky and rain. The fact that the hymns demonstrated a
strong relationship with the presence of nature illustrates the Aryan
feeling towards nature. The Rig Veda mainly concentrates on symbolism
rather than mythology. Although the hymns are based on symbolism, it
is sometimes possible to gather various mythical themes. Another
aspect that is mentioned in the Vedas is the 'panch mahabhutas'. These
are the five constituents which makeup life on this planet, they are:
* Aakash (sky),
* Vayu (air),
* Agni (fire),
* Jal (Water),
* Prithvi (earth)