mention the main feature of chola government?
The Cholas believed in local self-government. In many of the villages, the administration was carried out not by the government officials but by the villagers themselves. These villages had three types of assemblies, namely the ur, the sabha and the nagaram.
The administration was headed by the king. The Chola kingship was hereditary in nature. As per the Chola royal family tradition, the eldest son succeeded the king to the Chola throne. The heir apparent was called Yuvaraja. The tiger was the royal emblem of Chola kings. The king was assisted in his work by a council of ministers. The lower officials were called Siruntaram while higher officials were called Peruntaram.
The whole Empire had been divided into nine provinces called mandalams. Each province was headed by a viceroy who received orders from the king.
Each Mandalam was divided into number of Kottams or Valanadus which was further sub-divided into Nadu. Each Nadu was further divided into villages called Urs.