Mention the principle behind the natural methods of contraception
1.periodic abstinence 2.location for six months 3.menustration cycle
Natural Family Planning (NFP) refers to a variety of methods used to prevent or plan pregnancy, based on identifying a woman’s fertile days. For all natural methods, abstinence or avoiding unprotected intercourse during the fertile days is what prevents pregnancy. The effectiveness and advantages of NFP address the needs of diverse populations with varied religious and ethical beliefs. They also provide an alternative to women who wish to use natural methods for medical or personal reasons. For reproductive health service providers, NFP expands options and improves the quality of family planning services. Statistics indicate that in many countries around the world, periodic abstinence and NFP methods play a major role in people’s efforts to manage their fertility. A variety of natural methods have been established and are used globally; however there is a need for better tools, training, and instruction in NFP in order to maximize the potential benefits of these methods. Ongoing efforts seek to improve the quality of NFP services and to develop new methods and technologies that can allow simpler, more effective natural methods to be delivered to a broader range of couples.