CBSE BOARD XII, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

Mention the shortcoming of AM broadcasting..​


Answered by ItsCuteBoy


<b><marquee behavior= "alternate">♥️Here is your answer ♥️</marquee>

✨The main shortcomings of AM broadcasting are as follows: Its efficiency is very low. Since the power contained in the side bands is the only useful power, only a fraction of total power is useful. For modulation 1, the useful power is 33.3 % of the total power of AM wave..

•Its audio quality is poor as its reception is noisy. Due to interference of local environmental and electrical disturbances with transmitted AM wave, noises are heard along with sound waves.

Answered by sairambandari

Heya ..

here is ur answer....


Advantages of AM-Amplitude modulation

Advantages of AM-Amplitude modulationFollowing are the advantages of AM(Amplitude modulation):

Advantages of AM-Amplitude modulationFollowing are the advantages of AM(Amplitude modulation):➨AM signala are reflected back to earth from ionosphere layer. Due to this fact, AM signals can reach far places which are thousands of miles from source. Hence AM radio has coverage wider compare to FM radio. 

Advantages of AM-Amplitude modulationFollowing are the advantages of AM(Amplitude modulation):➨AM signala are reflected back to earth from ionosphere layer. Due to this fact, AM signals can reach far places which are thousands of miles from source. Hence AM radio has coverage wider compare to FM radio. Disadvantages of AM

Advantages of AM-Amplitude modulationFollowing are the advantages of AM(Amplitude modulation):➨AM signala are reflected back to earth from ionosphere layer. Due to this fact, AM signals can reach far places which are thousands of miles from source. Hence AM radio has coverage wider compare to FM radio. Disadvantages of AMFollowing are the disadvantages of AM:

Advantages of AM-Amplitude modulationFollowing are the advantages of AM(Amplitude modulation):➨AM signala are reflected back to earth from ionosphere layer. Due to this fact, AM signals can reach far places which are thousands of miles from source. Hence AM radio has coverage wider compare to FM radio. Disadvantages of AMFollowing are the disadvantages of AM:➨The most natural as well as man made radio noise are of AM type. The AM receivers do not have any means to reject this kind of noise. 

Advantages of AM-Amplitude modulationFollowing are the advantages of AM(Amplitude modulation):➨AM signala are reflected back to earth from ionosphere layer. Due to this fact, AM signals can reach far places which are thousands of miles from source. Hence AM radio has coverage wider compare to FM radio. Disadvantages of AMFollowing are the disadvantages of AM:➨The most natural as well as man made radio noise are of AM type. The AM receivers do not have any means to reject this kind of noise. ➨Weak AM signals have low magnitude compare to strong signals. This requires AM receiver to have circuitry to compensate for signal level 


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