Mention the symptoms of following bacterial diseases
Chancre: A sore caused by syphilis and appearing at the place of infection. Chlamydia: A sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria that can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility. ... Screening Test: A test that looks for possible signs of disease in people who do not have signs or symptoms.
Gonorrhea often causes no symptoms or only very mild symptoms. Women with gonorrhea may think they have a minor urinary tract or vaginal infection. Symptoms include the following:
A yellow vaginal discharge
Painful or frequent urination
Vaginal bleeding between periods
Rectal bleeding, discharge, or pain
Symptoms of syphilis differ by stage:
Primary stage—Syphilis first appears as a painless chancre. This sore goes away without treatment in 3–6 weeks.
Secondary stage—If syphilis is not treated, the next stage begins as the chancre is healing or several weeks after the chancre has disappeared, when a rash may appear. The rash usually appears on the soles of the feet and palms of the hands. Flat warts may be seen on the vulva. There may be flu-like symptoms.
Latent infection—In some people, the rash and other symptoms may go away in a few weeks or months, but that does not mean the infection is gone. It still is present in the body. This is called latent infection.