English, asked by barmanniladri8, 1 year ago

Mention the three factor responsible for Mumbai deluge.​


Answered by molparu000


please mark it as brainliest pls


Reasons for Floods in Mumbai.

1. Heavy Rains and Rising Sea Levels:

Heavy rains to a magnitude of more than 240 mm are almost of a regular occurrence in Mumbai at the onset of monsoons.

However, after the monsoon sets in and moves into its active phase, the situation is conducive to the occurrence of very heavy

rains over Mumbai, when they are collectively a result of development of low pressure belt over the sea & as the folks say global

warming is causing a intensive rise in sea levels which results in high tides during the monsoons in Mumbai.

2. Extensive Reclamation and Faulty Zoning Regulations:

It is evident from the city’s planning history, that in the process of housing construction and setting up industries, the waterways

that allowed the accumulated rain water to drain out, have been drastically reduced. The reclamation that was carried out

originally only to link the seven islands of Mumbai was eventually performed to a greater extent to accommodate the ever

burgeoning population of the city Large slum colonies as well as planned constructions are being developed on the land reclaimed

from the sea. However, some of this development has extended further to encroach upon the city’s existing storm water drains, in

order to meet the housing demand of the city’s growing population.

3. Faltering Drainage Systems:

Mumbai’s existing storm water drainage system has largely contributed in the inundation of the city. The city’s storm water

drainage system is basically a complicated system of simple drains and rivers, creeks, drains and ponds. “The network comprises

of a hierarchical system of roadside surface drains (about 2,000 km mainly in the suburbs), underground drains and laterals (about

440 km in the island city area), major and minor canals (200 km and 87 km respectively) and over 180 outfalls, which discharge

all the surface runoff into the rivers and the Arabian Sea (Adjoining figure).”Of these outfalls, some drain directly into the

Arabian Sea, while others empty into the Mahim creek, Mahul creek or the Thane Creek. Additionally, some out-falls that drain

out storm water from the western suburbs empty directly into sea while the water from the remaining ones is discharged into the

Mithi River which ultimately joins the Mahim creek.

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