English, asked by noelcambiasso2007, 11 months ago

Mention the values ​​of the Kingdom that is immersed in the message of Jesus through its parables. Please help me, i dont know the anser.


Answered by Surayaafreen


values of the kingdom immersed

Answered by Anonymous


The Kingdom: Its Value

Let us reflect upon some of the aspects of the marvelous value of the Master’s kingdom.

The Price of the Kingdom

The kingdom is of inestimable value because it cost the Son of God his very life. Jesus gave his blood to purchase the church (Acts 20:28; Eph. 5:25). In view of this, how could anyone ever minimize the Lord’s spiritual body? And yet it is done all the time by denominationalists who allege that the church is but one of those spiritual “options” in the divine scheme of things.

The Purpose of the Kingdom

The kingdom is a treasure because it represents the state of salvation. Observe the following line of argument. Salvation is to be found “in Christ” (2 Tim. 2:10).

Being “in” the Lord is equivalent to being “in [the] one body” (Eph. 2:15-16). But being in "the one body is the same as being in the church (Eph. 1:22-23), which, in fact, is the kingdom (Matt. 16:18-19). Those saved, therefore, constitute the kingdom (cf. Eph. 5:26), and those who reject citizenship in Christ’s kingdom are viewed as the Lord’s “enemies” (Luke 19:14, 27).

How very tragic it is that so many utterly disdain the kingdom, claiming that it bears no relationship to the matter of redemption.

The Peace of the Kingdom

The kingdom is a treasure because affords an environment wherein one may find peace with God and with himself.

There are those in our society who would give all their earthly possessions for one day’s sense of peace. It simply cannot be purchased. But justification, by means of Heaven’s “faith,” system can yield a profound sense of peace (Rom. 5:1; cf. John 16:33).

Note this word of consolation from Paul:

bq. “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:7).

True peace is not based upon superficial emotionalism; rather, it is grounded in a solid, biblically based relationship with the Lord.

The People of the Kingdom

There are thousands of people in our great cities who seem not to have a solitary kinsman or friend in all the realm of their associations.

I once conducted a funeral service wherein no one was present but himself, the deceased, and two others. So many lonely souls are utterly without companionship.

Consider, though, the precious blessing of all the kinsmen we have in the kingdom of Jesus Christ. The Lord taught that those who follow him have “houses, and brothers, and sisters, and mothers, and children...” (Mark 10:31). No one can put a price tag on this sort of companionship.

These things, and others too numerous to count, are a part of the treasures to be found in the kingdom of heaven. Let us never depreciate it.


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