mention two non agriculture occupation of rural areas. give one reason of low production of milk.
1)Minning and Selling of goods
2)teaching and buissness
3)Your baby nurses frequently. Breastmilk is digested quickly (usually in 1.5-2 hours), so breastfed babies need to eat more often than formula-fed babies. Many babies have a strong need to suck. Also, babies often need continuous contact with mom in order to feel secure. All these things are normal, and you cannot spoil your baby by meeting these needs.
4)cheese and ghee
5)Maybe you'd stop buying off-brand peanut butter or cheap frozen dinners. These would be inferior goods.
Explanation:Two non agriculture occupation of rural areas are: manufacturing and handicrafts.
Reason of low production of milk.:A history of poly cystic ovarian syndrome, diabetes, thyroid or other hormonal disorders. Mums with these conditions sometimes experience a low milk supply. The rare medical condition mammary hypothalami, in which there isn't enough milk-producing glandular tissue within the breast.