Mention two regin in india where you will find mangrove forest what are the features the mangrove forest in five mark qquestion
The Bhitarkanika Mangroves Forest of Odisha, by the Bay of Bengal, is India's second largest mangrove forest. Other major mangals occur on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the Gulf of Kutch in Gujarat. Mangroves occur in certain muddy swampy islands of the Maldives.
Mangrove forests grow in lands near the coastlines in the subtropical and tropical regions of the world.
●Mangrove forests are the most important vegetation found in the areas of tide influenced coats these forests have accumulated mud and silt.
● The roots of mangroves are developed to be exposed to air as the marshy swamps restrict the intake of oxygen.
●Mangrove forests have varieties of the plants submerged under water these forests help both in pollination and in seed dispersal and they are thick and dense.
●Mangroves are think and evergreenmany species of plants, animals, birds, worms and insects propagate in the Mangrove forest.
●A mangrove forest is at the intersection of land and sea, and they support a wealth of life from flora to fauna to people, and they are important for the wellbeing of the planets eco-system
1) The mangrove tidal forests are found in the areas of coasts influenced by tides.
2) Dense mangroves are the common varieties with roots of plants submerged under water.
3) The deltas of the Ganga, the Mahanadi, the Kaveri and the Krishna are covered with such vegetation.
4) In the Ganga-Brahmputra delta, Sundari trees are found which provide durable hard timber.
5) Palm, coconut, keora, agar also grow in some parts of the delta.
6)The Royal Bengal Tiger is the most famous animal in these forests. Turtles, crocodiles, gharials and snakes are also found here.
They are mainly found in the Godavari-Krishna and Sunderbans regions in India.
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