mentionry the process of disaster management and the role of ndrf in dealing these disaster in india
For far too long disaster management in India was marginalized as an issue of providing relief and rehabilitation to the people affected by natural calamities. While in the Central Government it occupied a place in the Ministry of Agriculture, in the States it was a concern of the Revenue or Relief Departments, and in the districts it was one of the many crisis management functions of the Collectors. However, the country now has a national vision ‘to build a safe and disaster-resilient India by developing a holistic, proactive, multi-disaster and technology-driven strategy for Disaster Management. This will be achieved through a culture of prevention, mitigation and preparedness to generate a prompt and efficient response at the time of disasters. The entire process will center-stage the community and will be provided momentum and sustenance through the collective efforts of all government agencies and Non-Governmental Organizations’. This is also in line with Hyogo Framework of Action 2005–15 - Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters.