English, asked by zoyakhan786yy, 11 months ago

Merchant of Venice
sceneWork out the above questions. These are from Act 1 sc 2 .You may look up the book.

Answer the following question:

1.Portia: O me the word choose I am in need to choose whom I would Nor refuse home I dislike so is the will of a living daughter curbed by the will of a dead father.

a)State in your own words what portia means by “the will of living daughter curbed by the way for dead father”(3)
b)Immediately after this extract what reason does nerissa gift to portia to justify” the will of a dead father” (3)
c) Towards the end of the scene what does portia try to explain by referring to Sibylla(3)
d)what opinion of portia have you formed from What she says about the determination to follow her father’s will.(3)
d)How does Portia express opinion about the sense of fashion and behaviour of The young English bearing falcon bridge (4)​


Answered by stanisha634


this is a tempest or what

I have study this in tempest

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